Sunday, July 28, 2013

Gym Pet Peeves

There is not a lot of things that happen in the gym that bother me. i usually ignore everyone else around me and do my own thing. But there are a few things that happen that irritate me and some that down right piss me off. this is going to be a list of stuff that bothers me many of you might feel the same.

#5 Not Wiping Sweat off of Gym equipment

             There is nothing more disgusting than seeing a huge sweat mark on a bench or any other piece of equipment. To be completely honest i could careless if i can't see the sweat or you didn't break a sweat but you have to know when you are working up a large amount of sweat. No body wants to sit in someone Else's sweat. It takes less than 1 minute to wipe it can even use it as a rest between you're next lift. So please just wipe the fucking thing off people have enough of their own sweat on them last thing they need is to add you're sweat to the mix.

#4 Guys Who act Tough 

           I hate when guys go into the gym wearing fancy jeans, and watches and pretend to be a strong man. They load up the bar with a large amount of weight and do a quarter of a rep to show off how much they can lift. Another is when they load up the bar with a large amount of weight on the bench press...........then get their spotter to do half the effort, then say 1 more rep. It makes all men in the gym look like idiots just because you want to prove your strength. the honest truth you're not fooling one person with that shit.

#3 Social/Cell Phone use at the Gym

       Now I am all for using your phone as music player because let's face it how can you not workout with out music it just not possible. But talking on your phone during a set or while sitting on equipment or while on a cardio machine is just bother some especially the ones who talk excessively loud. It's a large distraction to everyone around. Also pictures using the mirrors in the gym which are meant for people to keep their form in check is really annoying. Now if you take progress photos that is amazing whatever keeps you motivated but the bathrooms have mirrors and i am sure you're house does as well. As for the4 social aspect the most annoying thing is when a group of guys or girls come in together and spend more time talking then lifting or exercising. Why fucking bother going at all , and same goes for the women i see who go just cause their boyfriends go, it is one thing to go and workout with your boyfriend and actually exercise, but when you lift a weight once in awhile and just wait for him to finish. Why are you there , I am sure he doesn't like it because you have taken his sanctuary and made it reality by just "hanging out"

#2 People who assume Roid use

       I am not just talking about roid use it could be silicone implants. It annoys me when I hear people say "Oh he must be on steroids" or when women say " she has implants". Who fucking cares. Steroids are not some magical pill that make you huge. Yes they make your bulk and cutting more efficient but you still have to spend the time under the iron and watch your diet. I could care less whether someone does or does not take steroids good for them I won't. Same goes for breast implants women assume another woman looks good its only because they have implants. They probably watch their diet and spend time at the gym to stay healthy but they wanted larger breasts and worked for them so who cares.

#1 Dumbbells not being re-racked

             I am not one to really care ab out the plates not being put back where they should because it's not the fact that I have to move them that bothers me. I am at the gym to lift heavy shit anyways so it's not a huge deal but other people get really pissed off so I always put my plates away. Dumbbells not being re-racked is a huge pet peeve of mine. The only reason i care about dumbbells being left all over the place is because i know have to search to find the set i need or search to find a matching set which takes time out of my workout. Plates are easy they're all different sizes so it's easy to find the one you need but dumbbells are so close together in size it's a pain and my gym uses old metal dumbbells so most of the numbers are faded and hard to read. 


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